Mike Hennessey CFP®, RRC, B.Comm.

Executive Financial Consultant

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional with a specialty in creating retirement income withdrawal plans, Mike's unique value proposition is to provide peace of mind and financial security to clients during their golden years.  Mike specializes in helping retirees & business owners create sustainable income streams that can support their lifestyle throughout their retirement. With his expertise in retirement planning, Mike can develop customized strategies that will maximize their retirement income and minimize their tax liabilities.

Mike's approach involves a comprehensive analysis of our clients' retirement portfolio, including their assets, liabilities, and projected expenses. By considering all these factors, Mike can create a personalized retirement income plan that is tailored to clients' specific needs and goals. Mike also provides ongoing support and guidance to ensure that their retirement plan remains on track, adjusting it as necessary to accommodate changes in their financial situation or market conditions. With his expertise, our clients can enjoy their retirement years without worrying about financial uncertainty, confident in the knowledge that they have a solid plan in place to support their lifestyle and leave a lasting legacy for their loved ones.